Maisie Dobbs is a fictional character created by author Jacqueline Winspear. Maisie is a "psychologist and investigator" in post World War I London. A nurse during the war, Maisie returned to London to work with her mentor, accomplished detective Dr. Maurice Blanche. When Blanche retires, Maisie opens her own detective agency.
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Maisie Dobbs, daughter of a costermonger, spent her early life as a maid in the household of Lord Julian and Lady Rowan Compton.
Thus far eight books have been published in the Maisie Dobbs series: Maisie Dobbs (2003), Birds of a Feather (2004), Pardonable Lies (2005), Messenger of Truth (2006), An Incomplete Revenge (2008), Among the Mad (2009), The Mapping of Love and Death (2010), A Lesson in Secrets (2011).
Maisie Dobbs (2003) was chosen as one of Publishers Weekly's Best Mysteries of 2003. It also received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly and Library Journal, was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year 2003 and an Edgar Award nominee for Best Novel 2003. Maisie Dobbs was the Agatha Award winner for Best First Novel in 2003. In addition, Maisie Dobbs received an Alex Award in 2004.
Billy Beale - A patient of Maisie's during the war, Billy recognizes her immediately when she rents an office in the building where he is caretaker. Drawn into helping Maisie with her first case, Billy soon becomes her assistant.
Dr. Maurice Blanche - A mentor and tutor to Maisie since her teen years, Blanche is a celebrated detective with a mysterious past. When Blanche retires, he turns his clients over to Maisie, supporting her in her efforts to open her own business. Despite their close relationship, Maisie's work eventually causes a rift between them. Although they remain on speaking terms, mentor and student grow apart.